Grass Types And All Essential Grass Information

Bermuda Grass


Recommended Use: Best applied to hot, dry or tropical areas - recommended for landscaping, golf courses, sport fields, parks and recreation areas - ideal for homes with children and pets. Can take more wear than most other grasses and stays healthy. Should not be sown in shady areas as it requires full sun. 
Temperature Tolerance: Excellent heat tolerance. Poor cold hardiness.
Drought Tolerance: Highly drought Tolerant. Also responds to irrigation in dry periods. If not irrigated, it will go dormant. 
Mowing: Mow regularly to 1-2 inches for a good lush, green lawn. 
Fertilizer Requirements: Does not require much fertilising at all. Fertilise 1 or 2 times a year, spring and autumn, with a fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
Disease, Weed & Insect Tolerance: As it is a prolific grower, it can compete with weeds and is usually hardy against disease and insects. 

Centipede Grass

Recommended Use: Good general purpose grass for lawns. Very popular as its maintenance requirements are low. Can take up to roughly 60% shade during the day. Not very tolerance to wear. 
Temperature Tolerance: Good grower in full sun. Not so tolerant to lower temperatures. 
Drought Tolerance: Centipede grass is sensitive to drought. Luckily a fast recovery rate allows it to return to full health quickly. If not irrigated, it will go dormant.

Mowing: Mow regularly to 1-2 inches for a good lush, green lawn. 
Fertilizer Requirements: Does not require much fertilising at all. Fertilise 1 or 2 times a year, spring and autumn, with a fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
Disease, Weed & Insect Tolerance: Aggressive enough to compete with weeds, reducing the need for chemical controls. Minimal disease and insect problems that can be chemically controlled.

Fine Fescue

Recommended Use: Used a lot for back yards. It is slightly tolerant to the shade but recommended to have mostly sun. Can take average wear but will not recover well from severe wear.
Temperature Tolerance: Due to the thin blade, it can survive in colder and hotter temperatures
Drought Tolerance: Very good drought tolerance and if not irrigated, it will go dormant.

Mowing: Mow regularly to 1-2 inches for a good lush, green lawn. 
Fertilizer Requirements  Does not require much fertilising at all. Fertilise 1 or 2 times a year, spring and autumn, with a fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
Disease, Weed & Insect Tolerance: Aggressive enough to compete with weeds, reducing the need for chemical controls. Minimal disease and insect problems that can be chemically controlled.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Recommended Use: Needs a lot of sun and must have irrigation maintained. Can withstand medium wear and recovers quickly.
Temperature Tolerance: Thrives in cool temperatures and will tolerate very cold winters.
Drought Tolerance:  Moderate drought tolerance and if not adequately irrigated, it will go dormant. 

Mowing: Mow regularly to 1-2 inches for a good lush, green lawn.
Fertilizer Requirements: Does not require much fertilising at all. Fertilise 1 or 2 times a year, spring and autumn, with a fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
Disease, Weed & Insect Tolerance: Most new varieties of Kentucky Bluegrass have a higher disease tolerance. If insects or weeds are appearing, chemicals can be used when well established.


Recommended Use: Ryegrass is best sown in areas with cool temperatures and moist environments. It is tolerant to shade and can withstand moderate wear with great recovery. 
RyegrassTemperature Tolerance: Excellent cold tolerance and will be fine in heat as well.
Drought Tolerance: Very good drought tolerance and if not irrigated, it will go dormant.

Mowing: Mow regularly to 1-2 inches for a good lush, green lawn.

Fertilizer Requirements: Has low to medium fertiliser requirements. Fertilise 1 or 2 times a year, spring and autumn, with a fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
Disease, Weed & Insect Tolerance: Most new varieties of Ryegrass have a higher disease tolerance. If insects or weeds are appearing, chemicals can be used when well established.

Tall Fescue

Tall Fescue Grass
Recommended Use: Tall Fescue is a tough lawn ready for wear and recovers well. Prefers full sun but can withstand a bit of shade.
Temperature Tolerance: Excellent heat tolerance. Not as cold hardy but will still bear with the temperature.
Drought Tolerance: Very good drought tolerance and if not irrigated, it will go dormant.
Mowing: Mow regularly to 2-3 inches for a good lush, green lawn.

Fertilizer Requirements: Has low to medium fertiliser requirements. Fertilise 1 or 2 times a year, spring and autumn, with a fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
Disease, Weed & Insect Tolerance:  As it is not as aggressive as other grasses, chemicals can be used to kill off weeds.